Baking Soda vs. Baking Powder – All You Need to Know

baking powder vs baking soda

Baking powder and baking soda are both rising agents, which is what causes baked goods to rise. These ingredients help baked goods such as bread and cake rise by adding gas bubbles.

Why they may appear to be doing the same job and may appear interchangeable, they are not!
Yes, baking soda and baking powder are both white powders used in baking and have slightly bitter flavors. They do, however, have various chemical compositions and applications.

“This post will explain the difference between baking powder and baking soda and how people use them.”

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What Is Gluten And What Does It Do To Your Body?

wheat and grain in a  basket

Gluten is an essential protein in wheat, barley, rye, and other grains. It’s also used as a thickener or binder in many foods.

There are several arguments for and against gluten. While some arguments say gluten is beneficial to the body, others say it is not.

But what do people mean when they say “gluten-free”? Are there any benefits to eating gluten? Or are people who claim they have gluten sensitivities just making up excuses?

“Read on to learn more about gluten and its effects on our bodies.”

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Salmonella: Definition & How to Avoid It.


Salmonella, also known as salmonellosis, is a bacterial infection that causes diarrhea, fever, and stomach pains. Salmonella usually clears up after a few days; however, it helps if you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids.

In the US, around 40,000 cases of salmonellosis are reported each year. Because many milder cases go undiagnosed or unreported, the number of infections could be ten or more times higher.

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Is MSG Bad For You? The Surprising Truth.

Bag of Monosodium Glutamate

MSG – Monosodium Glutamate is a flavor enhancer that has been used for over a century.
It is a common food additive in Chinese recipes, canned vegetables and soups, and other processed goods, in addition to being naturally present in certain foods.

Although many people associate it with Asian cuisine, it is used in many foods, including processed meats, soups, snacks, and fast food.

“MSG has long been regarded as a dangerous ingredient. However, newer research calls into question the integrity of its alleged adverse effects on human health.”

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Alaska Cancels Snow Crab Season.

Alaskan Crab

Alaskan Snow Crab season runs in the cold months of October to January.

However, this year there will be no Snow crab season and the reason is that the Snow crab population has been decimated.

You can see the news item from CBS news here.

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Keto Diet Plan Explained

plate with Keto diet food

What is a Keto Diet?

A keto diet, also identified as a ketogenic or low-carb diet, is a high-fat diet that is becoming increasingly popular.

In this article, we’ll explain what a keto diet is, why people choose a ketogenic diet, and how it works

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Is Paying For Meal Prep Worth It And Is It Cost Effective?

meal preparation in a professional  kitchen

I have seen the question is paying for meal prep worth it several times and it is time to find an answer to this question.

Here Is The Bottom Line!

“A meal prep service is more expensive than cooking from scratch with food you bought at the grocey store. However, if you cooking skills., busy work and social schedule prevent you from doing that a meal prep service is probably healthier and cheaper than eating out or ordering delivery.”

So, yes it is worth paying for meal prep because of the time you save on grocery shopping and cooking!

However, to have a good look at why I think this we have to dig a little deeper and the answer should maybe also contain it depends.

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How To Use A Kitchen Knife Correctly And Safely

woman slicing vegetables with a proper knife grip

If you don’t use a kitchen knife the right way you can not just get cut but hurt yourself very badly.

If you ask anyone if they ever cut themselves in the kitchen my guess is that about each of them will confirm this with a yes!

That is the reason I am trying to write this article with some easy-to-follow tips on how to use a kitchen knife the right way.

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