Adding one juice to your daily diet can create some magic in your life. The health benefits offered by raw, fresh, low sugar fruit or vegetable juice are immense and worth it.
But, which juice is good for an empty stomach?
Celery juice is considered the best choice for an empty stomach. Drinking juice on an empty stomach is considered healthier than any other time of the day. Juices of beetroot, carrot, lemon-ginger, orange, cranberries, watermelon are also good for an empty stomach.
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Celery Juice

Kick start your day with a glass of celery juice and make yourself energetic and enthusiastic. Drinking celery juice will keep the body hydrated and the phytonutrients in celery would act as an antioxidant and lower the risks of cardiac ailments, inflammation, obesity and diabetes. It also nourishes the skin and is fibre rich if not strained. Unfortunately, celery juice may not be suitable for people with irritable bowels. But for others, it will remain to be the healthiest choice.
Beetroot juice

According to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the intake of beetroot juice has helped to maintain the blood pressure level of people who are suffering from hypertension. Moreover, in another study, they have shown that drinking 250 ml of beetroot juice daily for four weeks has reduced the blood pressure level of patients with high blood pressure. Furthermore, it protects the liver and prevents anaemia. As per the 2017 systematic review, the components in beetroot such as betalains and nitrates help to fuel up athletic performance.
Carrot juice

The rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium, carrot juice is highly helpful in boosting immunity. It also enhances the health of the skin and eyes. It is capable of providing enough calories and carbohydrates which keeps you refreshed and healthy. It also controls the level of blood sugar level.
Orange juice

Being the natural source of energy, orange juice provides a huge amount of vitamin c and helps to get rid of constipation, if taken on an empty stomach. Vitamin C contained in orange juice would help in building up immunity. In addition, it also reduces the level of uric acid and is a great source of relief for arthritis patients.
Lemon – ginger juice

The very combo is going to be an exceptional addition to your diet. It has a lot to do with the enhancement of the immune system of human beings. It stimulates the appetite as well as spikes up metabolic activities. The antioxidants cleanse the liver and digestive system and help in weight loss. Hence drink a glass of lemon – ginger juice in lukewarm water on an empty stomach and the result will definitely amaze you.
Cranberry juice

Consumption of cranberry juice is highly recommended for the treatment of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). A 2016 study in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine reported that on checking the urine culture reports of boys who had repeated infection history, there was a remarked decrease in the infection rate as the boys were consuming cranberry juice. It is also considered the best dietary supplement for women after menopause. Drinking cranberry juice on an empty stomach also enhances digestive health and the antioxidants in it help to fight against age-related damages in body tissues.
Watermelon juice

As the name indicates, watermelon contains 92% of water and keeps your body hydrated especially during the summer season. Owing to its high fibre content its consumption readily decreases digestion problems and it also aids to solve the issues related to sexual dysfunction, burning sensation in urine and hyperacidity.
For the high consumption of all the essential nutrients in watermelon, it is advisable to drink the juice on an empty stomach.
Is it Ok To Drink Juice On An Empty Stomach?
It is ideal to drink juice on an empty stomach as it helps in the effective absorption of all the nutrients included in the juice by the body. When consumed with other food items juice may remain for a long time in the stomach before reaching the intestine and hence it might get fermented within the stomach, which is obviously not healthy.
The assimilation of healthy juice happens in 20 to 30 minutes when it is consumed on an empty stomach because of which energy flows through the veins in minutes. Slow intake of fresh juice on an empty stomach enriches the metabolism and offers many other benefits to the human body.
Similar to the knowledge about what to eat for staying healthy, an understanding about the right time to eat food is also equally important.
Why Should I Drink Juice On An Empty Stomach?
Drinking freshly squeezed juice with low or no sugar contributes enough antioxidants essential for the body. It helps you start the day full of energy and acts as the best choice for people who are suffering from obesity to lose weight.
Additionally, the fibre content in fruit and vegetable juice fuels metabolic activities. On top of that, it enables our body to detoxify materials like lead, pesticides and so on.
Thus, beginning your day with fresh juice will keep you afresh both inside and outside. It is an easy way to break your fast without filling you up.
Related Read:
Juices On An Empty Stomach – My Conclusion
Cultivating the habit of drinking fresh juice on an empty stomach is the key to developing a healthy lifestyle. It is also will fit in the Mediterranean diet with fibers and antioxidants.
You can order juices from several food delivery services. You can for example have a look at the Splendid Spoon menu and see what they offer.
Let’s kick off each day with a pleasant drink and make the rest of the day even more delightful.