What are the best snack subscription boxes? That is what I am trying to find out here for you and me. I like a snack, but I also like them to be as healthy as much as possible.
I will look at snack boxes for home, office, and even remote workers. I prefer a customizable snack box myself. You do not have that option available in all boxes.
Table of Contents

I had to start somewhere and this was one of the first snack subscription boxes that I found was worth to do have a look at.
You can read the SnackNation reviews here.
They have many options and boxes to choose from to satisfy your cravings for a snack.

The Urthbox has been around for a while and can deliver a variety of snacks and beverages.
You can read my UrthBox Reviews here and see what I found out about their mainly non-GMO, organic, and all-natural snack subscription service.
Cratejoy Snacks
If you are looking for tons of snack boxes at the same page all you have to do is have a look at the Cratejoy snack box here.
You can also have a look at the Cratejoy review I did for you.
Universal Yums
As the name already gives away this is a snack delivery service that delivers boxes that are filled with snacks from all over the world. Every month a new country is picked and shipped to your home. Read my full Universal Yums reviews here on its own page.
Try The World – Snack Box
I found this company and did the Try The World Box reviews .The snack boxes they offer are awesome I believe. You got 4 subscription options to choose from. Their boxes come with snacks from all over the world.
Healthy Snacking Tips
Sometimes you just need a little mood picker upper or you are just hungry in between meals. There are many reasons why people snack.
Regular snacks are in many cases salty chips or candy bars and sodas loaded with sugar and ingredients that have high calories and low nutrients.
Here are some tips to be more mindful about snacking.
Snack mindfully
Be aware of what and why you are eating
If you plan your snack time and what you snack on ahead you can opt for healthy snacks
Choose snacks that boost the intake of nutrients you need in your diet
Choose the right portion size and or make portions ahead of time instead of snacking straight out of a bag.
There are probably a thousand more tips on how to snack healthy and with limited calories and I will add a few more later.
If you choose to order your snacks and have them delivered by a snack delivery service you can do most of these tips from home and ensure that you snack on the right food and portions with the nutrients you need.
If you are looking for more than snacks you can start at our homepage and read reviews of food delivery services and find more.